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Mentors FAQ

Learn how we work with artists and the benefits of being part of IAMAG Mentorship

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The Philosophy

Welcome to the IAMAG Mentorship Platform, a dedicated space designed specifically to foster growth, creativity, and connection in the art community. This platform is a tool built for artists to share their skills and knowledge, offering services such as portfolio reviews, private lessons, and long-term mentorships.

As an artist, you have the opportunity to post listings on the platform, setting your own price for the services you provide. Whether you're an experienced mentor or new to teaching, this platform enables you to reach a broad audience of eager learners.

Payement and Fees

When it comes to financial matters, we've set up a straightforward and fair system. IAMAG will take a 15% commission on each transaction made through the platform. This commission supports the maintenance and development of the platform, ensuring we can continually improve and expand our services.

The remaining 85% of the transaction is yours and will be processed and sent to you seven days after the end of each transaction. This ensures you receive timely payment for the valuable work you do.

Join us

One of the key features of the IAMAG Mentorship Platform is our commitment to secure transactions. IAMAG acts as a guarantor for every transaction, securing the payment before the mentorship begins. This provides a layer of security and trust crucial to ensuring a positive experience for all parties involved.

In other words, we hold the payment in trust, releasing it to you only after the service is completed. This means you can focus on providing excellent mentorship without worrying about payment issues. It's our way of guaranteeing that all artists using our platform will be paid in full and on time for their services.

Join IAMAG Mentorship as an artist

We believe this platform will foster a thriving community of artists, mentors, and learners, supporting each other in their artistic journeys. We look forward to seeing your listings and your impact on the IAMAG community. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns. We support you as you embark on this exciting new venture. Thank you for being part of the IAMAG Mentorship Platform. Let's create, connect, and grow together.

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